Thursday, November 6, 2008

Its a baby!!!

I had my first doctors appointment this week! I was very nervous to go to it because Chris couldn't be there with me for most of it. Thankfully he was able to come for the last little bit. I was not actually supposed to meet with my doctor this time because she was already scheduled into the end of November. So I went to my appointment and towards the end the nurse helper lady came in and was like oh! I talked to Dr. Best and she said that if you are willing to wait a while she can see you today and do an ultrasound! I wasn't expecting one because Dr. Best always does them and since I wasn't supposed to meet with Dr. Best.... Anyway, the nurse helper lady called Chris and he came over and we got to do the ultrasound! Chris said that the little booger was moving a lot so whenever they got the picture right, the baby would move and they would have to readjust the camera. I couldn't see because the monitor faced away from me but for about 10 seconds at the end I got to see the baby. I could see its little heart beating and its arms and legs moving! It was really neat. They printed off some pictures for me and Chris scanned them at work so that I could post them so here they are!
The head is on the right side of the picture. This isn't the best one but you can kinda see an arm and leg.

This one, the baby is laying on its back with its head on the right side again. Apparently just before this picture they were trying to get another one and it was a straight on shot and you could see somewhat the facial features. Unfortunately the bugger moved!

I like this one the best because you can see its arm in front of its face and you can see the whole head, which looks like a normal human head shape! This was also the position the baby was in when I got to see its heart beating!

It is pretty neat that we can see the baby before it is born. According to my book the baby is the size of an orange right now. Inside of me! It is pretty exciting for me.