So, as you all know because I have been saying it in the last few posts, we are going to the temple soon. There is a lot to do before you can go to the temple. Such as interviews with the bishop and the stake president. Then you also have to get the temple clothes and the appointment for the endowment and the sealing. Lots to do! Well, we have done almost all of that and it has gone off without a hitch. It's as though Heavenly Father wants us to get there! In my opinion he does. Anyway, I had a small miracle happen to me today and I wanted to share it because it just shows how the Lord works in small ways to get great things to happen.
I ordered my temple dress yesterday. I think it is cute and it looks comfortable and I really like it. I was reading and it said that it could take up to 5 days to be shipped due to the fact that they sew them and sometimes they don't have them in stock. So I ordered it and got my confirmation email and felt that I was all set for the temple. Well, Dallin decided that he wanted to get sick and not sleep almost all night so at about 5:30 this morning I woke up in bed. I had kicked Chris out of bed to the couch at 4:30 so that I could get some sleep in bed and Dallin was in bed with me. So, I woke up for no reason. Dallin was just fine. But I had this thought that I didn't order the right size of dress. I needed the large and I didn't remember ever putting in the size and I didn't want them to get it shipped out on the off chance they had my dress and order all ready to go in the morning. So I thought about it and decided that before I left for our medicaid application appointment I would call to get the dress size changed.
Well, 9:45 rolled around and I called the company and asked them if they could change the size to large and the lady was nice enough and she did it immediately. Then she thought to look at the availability for that dress and she told me that it could take up to two weeks to send out because they didn't have any currently and the seamstress had to make one. So she asked if that would be a problem and of course I said yes! We are going through on the 28th so I need it before Thanksgiving hopefully! So the lady said that she would call the seamstress and ask if she could put my order in first so that it could be there in time!
So I went to my appointment and came home and let Chris get some sleep and Dallin some sleep and cleaned some bottles and the house a little and was doing that when I got the phone call from the lady and she said that the seamstress just happened to have one for a different order that she could send out today so that I get it in time in Alaska.
Wow... Just think what would have happened if I hadn't woken up thinking that I didn't choose the right size? Just think what would have happened if I had seen the place where I put in the dress size... Just think how incredibly frustrated and upset I would be on Friday the 27th without a temple dress. It is my belief that the Lord helped me out by knowing that I needed to call them so that could they help me out to send the dress earlier than they would have if I hadn't of called. Sometimes it is amazing to see the way that the Lord works in our lives. Especially when we have something so important. It definitely makes me feel like the Lord wants us to go to the temple to be endowed and be sealed as a family. Its nice to know that I have divine help on my side.
6 days ago