Thursday, December 16, 2010

I'm so lucky.

Every morning sometime after Dallin has politely knocked upon his door to be let out, I hear noises coming from Tristan's room. I am sure he talks so quietly so that he does not bring his brother to his room, just Mommy. I am so lucky though to have something like this to go look at every morning.

"Come here Mommy, I have missed you all night long, I was a good boy and slept all night just for you and now come pick me up!"

"Oh, Mommy, while I was in here all alone all night long I think I made a stinky."

"Come just a bit close Mommy, I want to show you something!"

"I LOVE YOU MOMMY! I am SO happy to see you!"

Tristan is one of the best babies ever. He wakes up on his own and talks to himself, or me in this case, until I come in and get him. When I do finally get into his room he has lots of big smiles for me in the mornings. It helps start my day out right, reminding me why I love to be a mommy.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Have you ever noticed how one thing can just shatter your good mood for the rest of the day? Yesterday it was when Chris and I were talking and I was telling him my genius idea for a Christmas present for Jonathon and Lauren and he said he didn't like the idea completely because he felt we shouldn't dictate what they do... Not that I would be dictating or anything, just a helpful guide if they needed a last minute idea. I can't say more since I still think I am going to do that for their Christmas present and if they happen to follow my blog I don't want them to know! Anyway, after that minor disagreement my mood was shot for the rest of the evening. I couldn't come up and be happy. I kept getting irritated by the smallest things and was not all that nice to my husband. The sad thing is that I want him around because it makes me feel better but I just don't want to interact with him because I am sure there is something he will do or say that will bug me.

Today the same thing happened. I was happy, I went outside today and played in the snow, the boys were good all day and I was in a good mood. Then Dallin threw a mirror we have for babies because it can stand on its own so baby can stare into it (Dallin loved it when he was itsy bitsy) and he threw it against a wall and broke the mirror! Of course I became agitated because I didn't want Dallin grabbing the broken glass or getting too close to the few small pieces that needed to be vacuumed. But I was reprimanded by Chris who told me that I was being too harsh. I don't feel I was but he apparently did. And that shot my mood for the evening. We were even going to work in our bedroom, painting it tonight but I am not in a mood that Chris wants to work with me. I agree... We wouldn't be very nice to each other but at the same time he has been putting of working on our room all week and so we still sleep in the living room...

I don't know what is going on. Those are just two experiences in the last two days but this has been going on the last 4 or 5 days. I think I am becoming a girl again and there fore am really moody but I don't ever remember being this bad. Then again, last time I actually was a "regular girl" (thats what we call it here in our house) was August of 2008. Its hard to remember back that far. I do hope that is the reason for all my foul moods and that it will go away and I can be happy again and nice to my husband and kids...