Two or three weeks ago we went up to Baughers U-Pick farm and picked strawberries. We got about 8 pounds worth of strawberries and I made about 3 quarts of strawberry freezer jam. We had a lot of fun out picking. It was the first cool day in a long time (it felt like that to me) and it was cloudy out which was a good thing since I forgot the sunscreen for my fair-haired little munchkins!

Here we are on the tractor ride on the way to the strawberry fields! Dallin doesn't look very happy about it...

This is Dallins first strawberry of many. He ate one and then...

Another and another! He was a very happy boy.

This is Tristan just out of the backpack and crawling around. He was also a happy boy. Look at all that stuff he can put in his mouth!

Oh wait! He saw the strawberries. He crawled over to see what he could see.

The strawberries! So many strawberries! But poor little Tristan couldn't ever get them off of the stems and so he would grab one and turn it into strawberry mush in his hand in his attempt to get the strawberries into his mouth.

After a while he looked like he was starting to enjoy himself!

I was definitely the star picker! I picked most of them and Chris just kinda kept an eye on the boys, making sure Dallin didn't steal my basket and making sure Tristan got a real strawberry to eat every once in a while instead of the mush he made.

This is what it looked like most of the time. Dallin next to me, stealing the strawberries out of my basket and Tristan sitting in the middle of the row, playing with something he found or a strawberry that Chris would give him.

Me and messy-hands Dallin! He saw Tristan mush up the strawberries and he had to get in on the action and made a huge mess!

Thankfully we had some wipes and were able to get Tristan cleaned up a bit, his mess was mostly dirt by the time we left.

"Why no, Sir, I didn't eat a single strawberry while we were out picking!" I am sure that is what Dallin is trying to convey with his guilty smile.

"I been caught red-handed!" Good thing they expect you to eat some strawberries while you are out picking! At least I hope they do or else they probably added some more onto our bill when we left...
It was a lot of fun going out as a family and picking strawberries and coming home and being able to eat the fruits of our labors! Maybe someday I will get adventurous and made something other than strawberry freezer jam. I doubt it though because it is just so yummy!