I feel like it has been unusually cool this summer so far, but I am not complaining! Far from it! I love the cool weather. Anyway, one evening we were outside and Chris got home from work and were taking pictures and I wanted to get some of Warren so we could see how big he is getting!
I look so skinny in this picture but really I am just sucking it in! I have all this baby weight I need to get rid of but it is so hard to motivate myself to do anything more than just limiting my intake. Though I will admit I have gotten better about sugary things since I can't have dairy while nursing Warren. He and I don't do well on dairy. It makes Chris sad.
My happy smiley flying boy!
He is now 3 months old! I finally feel like he has been in our family "forever". It is hard to imagine what life was like without him. He is really laid back and doesn't mind that I have to ignore him lots to deal with the older boys. He sleeps from 8:30 to 7:30 and wakes up usually once in there to eat around 2 or 3. He had been going all night long without waking up but then we went on a trip to the Lake and it screwed him up but we will get back there.