Today during dinner I was talking to the boys that there was dairy in the dinner and that Warren might have diarrhea tomorrow. That he might have lots of diaper changes. They were very interested in this and proceeded to ask "why" a million more times. All of a sudden, Tristan pipes up, "I had diarrhea in the airport!" I looked at him funny and was trying to remember what he was talking about. And then it clicked. He DID have diarrhea in the airport and in an effort to NEVER forget I am going to write down our experience for years from now I can show it to his fiance. hahahaha.
We were on our way home from Alaska at Christmas time. Tristan had gotten a stomach bug while we were there and kinda gotten over it and then it seemed to hit him again as we were heading home. We were in the airport, we had just gotten food and I kept trying to get Tristan to eat. He was so fussy and kept saying he wasn't hungry and he wasn't walking anymore. So the rest of us were sitting around, eating, while Tristan was looking quite miserable in the stroller. All of a sudden I smell something. Something fragrant. I look at Warren first and he was okay so then I am wondering where that smell is coming from. It couldn't be Tristan because Chris had JUST changed him and it had been quite the battle. But I go ahead and just glance over at him and oh my goodness. The back of his diaper pooched out a little like the pack of pants and in it I could see... the rising level of poop! It was like watching a poop tide. It was horrifying. I had no idea what to do! There was so much poop! And it smelled so bad! He just kept on pushing it all out and thankfully, thankfully, it did not overflow from his diaper. Chris and I kept looking at each other and back at his diaper and laughing and trying to not freak out and be supportive to him. I remember him looking over at me, so exhausted, and saying, "I'm all done". hahaha. I wouldn't let him get up, I just took the stroller and wheeled him to the bathroom and proceeded to make the bathroom a mess. Thankfully though when he stood up the poop level in his diaper sunk down a bit, but I remember thinking there was a lot of poop there. He didn't have to go poop again until after we got home.
Ahh children. They can be so frustrating but at the same time so wonderful and provide such great stories to share later on in life.
6 days ago