Thursday, June 5, 2008

The morning after Memorial Day

On Memorial Day Jennifer and Tyson and their kids came up to Rexburg to visit Chris and I. Tyson had to fly out the next morning so he could get back to the slope so Jennifer asked if Chris and I could watch the kids that night so that they didn't have to worry about them. After we went out to dinner we went to the Evans' house and picked up Keith and Rachel and on the way back to Rexburg from their house we got lost! We weren't quite lost because we could see the "mountains" and so we knew we were pointed in the right direction but we had no idea where we were or how far the highway was. Eventually we found it and there was rejoicing all around! The kids were tired and though they weren't complaining I could tell they wanted to go to sleep. Once we got on the highway we told jokes the rest of the way home, focusing mainly on knock-knock jokes. When we got home we put them straight to bed and they were out like a light!

The next morning I went to class and Chris stayed at home and the kids woke up and were playing hide and seek when I came home, Chris fed them while I sat on the couch because I was pooped from my weight training class. After they ate I helped them take showers, which Keith didn't think he needed though he really did. Chris then left and I was still tired so I had them color! Rachel kept asking me and Keith what to draw and she would draw it beautifully as any young child can. Keith drew a rocket ship and the moon and I drew an underwater adventure as you can see on the paper that Rachel and I shared.

So happy! They are really good about taking pictures and say cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese as long as you have the camera to your face.

Keith's drawing.
Mine and Rachel's paper!

At 10:15 I had class again so we asked our friend Gary to come watch the kids for an hour in the morning. He was nice enough to do it even though he was a little later than I expected. The kids seemed to have fun with him. When I came home they were playing Sorry! and Gary, being the nice individual he is let Rachel and Keith win. He even cheated for them, rearranging the draw pile so they got all the cards they needed quickly. He is very good about letting kids win. Something funny that happened later on in the day was that we were playing the Wii. We started with Mario kart which is a little hard for them and then we moved on to bowling. The problem was that I couldn't find the Wii Sports disc! It wasn't in the case and it wasn't on the T.V. stand and I was afraid that they had lost it when the kids were looking at all the games we had earlier that morning. I was starting to worry and as a last ditch resort I looked in the DVD player and behold! there was the Wii Sports disc I was so worried about! I asked Keith how it got there and he said that Gary put it in there when they wanted to play the Wii while I was gone. Gary, for some odd reason thought that the DVD player was the same thing as the Wii, even though they are right next to each other. We all got a good laugh out of that one.

1 comment:

Jennifer Bundy said...

We had lots of fun with you! Thanks for being such good hosts and helping give me a vacation! Telling jokes is a common thing around our table during meals. I am about running out of my repoirtoir, so we need to get a joke book from the library!