Friday, February 17, 2012

My shower time

I have to take a shower every day. If I don't, we are lazy all day and doing anything from diapers to feeding us is a monumental task for me. So I always try to take a shower before or right after breakfast. Unfortunately I am usually joined by at least one if not two little boys. So my showers are very quick. 

Tristan has been letting me take a shower by myself this week though and it was pretty nice. But then I realized that he must be getting into things that he shouldn't be getting into while I am in the shower. Such as, yesterday, he came in sounding very pathetic, saying "please". I look out and he is holding two packs of gummies out to me. I had left the cabinet open and he noticed it while I was showering and went and found his favorite food. 

And then today, as I was heading in to take my shower, I asked Dallin if he would share his cereal with Tristan. If Dallin wakes up before Chris leaves for work they always eat a bowl of cereal together. So I hop in the shower and am almost done when I hear Tristan coming into the bathroom saying "help". He walks over to the edge of the curtain and holds Dallin's cereal bowl in to me, asking me to please help him get the last few pieces of cereal. So I am sitting there in the shower, feeding Tristan the last of Dallin's cereal. When it is all gone he says "thank you", takes the spoon and bowl from me and puts them back on the table. What is he going to do if I ever start locking the door?

No fear!

Our windows have great sills for little feet. I find little footprints on them all the time. Thankfully they aren't up very high, only about 2 feet off the ground. But the amazing thing is that Tristan got up here one night without standing on anything to climb up there. Dallin must have helped him. Talk about brotherly love and trust. 

He can get up but getting down is a little tricky for him and I think he is too heavy for Dallin to help him down. 

Do all kids do this?

A few nights ago Dallin, after we put the boys to bed, he came to his door and was asking us to please come see his room because he had put his books away. 

Imagine our surprise that he had actually picked all of his library books off of the floor, put them in his bed and arranged them in a very organized fashion. He was so pleased with himself and even suckered Chris into reading him another story that night. 

Wii are Fit

When Chris gets home from work some days, or on the weekends, he will play WiiFit with the boys. They LOVE it! Dallin has favorite ones and so does Tristan. They even have their own balance boards, my cutting boards. Occasionally I will play it with the boys though and I let them try out being on the real balance board sometimes. This is Tristan helping work out my arms. I don't remember what game I was playing with him, I just knew that afterwards my arms were tired from leaning him all over the board, trying to finish in time. I think we were doing the math one. Either that or the bubble one. 

Tristan's favorite one is the obstacle course and he does surprisingly well by himself. He just doesn't know when to stop in time but it's okay because he thinks it is hilarious when he falls off the edge. 

Daddy is so cool

There are lots of differences between Mommy and Daddy and the boys know this. They also know that Daddy is a lot more fun and interactive and more of a play thing than Mommy is. But only Daddy could make wearing his shorts around on your head an awesome game that takes up half an hour. 

Mommy must be really boring in comparison if she can't make shorts seem as much fun as Daddy can... 

Potty Training Round 2?

In January I decided that I wanted to have Tristan potty trained before Warren comes along so we took a few days and tried to work with him. I have decided that it isn't going to happen quite yet even if I want it to happen. He doesn't show enough interest in going in the potty and if we do sit him on the potty, it totally throws off his poopin' groove and so then we wind up having 2 poopy diapers instead of 1 but they are an hour or two apart... I can live with the idea that we will continue diapering him but he WILL be trained by the time he is 2 since he has some massive thighs that put him in the largest diaper size before you have to move to pull-ups (a rip-off). It is just so interesting the difference between Dallin and Tristan though. Dallin has a very small petite patootie where as Tristan fills out Dallin's undies in a way that Dallin probably won't be able to achieve until he is at least 5 years old.  But Tristan does look pretty stinkin' cute in them. 


One of the boys favorite past times is to steal my lap top. After having half the keys taken off at one point I am usually pretty good about closing it and putting it off to the side of the couch. Tristan is especially dangerous to lap tops these days. Dallin just wants to look up pictures of trains but Tristan likes to "compute"  as Chris calls it. 

In this instance I believe I had to go help Dallin on the potty and Tristan was left playing with his toys in the living room. I had put the lap top on the back of the couch, leaving it open, thinking I would be back in just a moment. When I came back Tristan had grabbed it and was sitting there quietly saying a word over and over again. I couldn't understand what it was but I think he was trying to tell me he was computing. 

Wild and Crazy?

So Chris and I have been discussing our parenting lately. Mostly in regards to the fact that our children don't sit still (really only a problem in Sacrament meeting so far) and sometimes they get into situations that cause pain and suffering. Pain to themselves and suffering for the parents. 

This happened to be one of those instances. Dallin climbed over the arm of the couch and started running on the couch and dove nose first into the opposite arm. Needless to say there was lots of crying. And blood... We couldn't tell if his nose was broken or if it was just bloody because he was in tears and bleeding and wouldn't let us near his owie. He did calm down a bit after he asked for a band-aid for his nose. I wish we had gotten a picture of the swelling... 

We are pretty sure that his nose isn't broken, just a tad sore and I think he might have torn some of the skin. If I just take his shirt off over his head without care and consideration he cries and reminds us that he needs a band-aid... 

All in all I don't feel like we are bad parents but I do feel at times like these that maybe we do let them run a little... wild...