Friday, February 17, 2012

My shower time

I have to take a shower every day. If I don't, we are lazy all day and doing anything from diapers to feeding us is a monumental task for me. So I always try to take a shower before or right after breakfast. Unfortunately I am usually joined by at least one if not two little boys. So my showers are very quick. 

Tristan has been letting me take a shower by myself this week though and it was pretty nice. But then I realized that he must be getting into things that he shouldn't be getting into while I am in the shower. Such as, yesterday, he came in sounding very pathetic, saying "please". I look out and he is holding two packs of gummies out to me. I had left the cabinet open and he noticed it while I was showering and went and found his favorite food. 

And then today, as I was heading in to take my shower, I asked Dallin if he would share his cereal with Tristan. If Dallin wakes up before Chris leaves for work they always eat a bowl of cereal together. So I hop in the shower and am almost done when I hear Tristan coming into the bathroom saying "help". He walks over to the edge of the curtain and holds Dallin's cereal bowl in to me, asking me to please help him get the last few pieces of cereal. So I am sitting there in the shower, feeding Tristan the last of Dallin's cereal. When it is all gone he says "thank you", takes the spoon and bowl from me and puts them back on the table. What is he going to do if I ever start locking the door?

1 comment:

Alexandria Rammell said...

how come I cant find you on facebook?!!?