I haven't posted anything for a while so I thought that today I would do a quick little update on the little things that make life fun.
Chris has been working now and he does customer support for www.infront.com If you go there you can see his caricature and read about how he does at work. I am sure that he downplays his importance to me but the website sounds very positive about him! I have been staying at home all day and doing nothing but tomorrow I have an interview! It is with a realtor place, the same one that we got our apartment from! They are hiring because my neighbor is quitting due to expecting a child in a month and she told me that I should try to get the job so I am! I will be basically a receptionist and I think I can handle that. I can be nice to idiots who call... Anyway, it will be good for me to get this job because I stay at home all day and sometimes I go crazy from being alone all day!
Another thing is that we are Sunbeam teachers! We got the calling and have been teaching for 3 weeks now, but that only means two Sundays because this week is Conference. We have one regular girl Kaylie and then Maddison and Piper have both only come once. We will see how regular they continue to be though. I am sure they come more but I can't tell because we have only taught twice! It isn't bad but it can be difficult because they aren't our kids so we can't discipline them the way we would our kids. We have to watch them and tell them to behave. Actually, we only have to tell Kaylie because the other two are really well behaved. Anyway, I have a funny story about Kaylie. She can sometimes be a handful and so last week she continued on in her usual way. About halfway through sharing time she announces that she is tired! What kind of kid is tired during primary? Anyway, after a while she leans to the side of her chair and lays her head on her arm which is on the back of the chair. She was quiet but would move every so often but she stayed very quiet so Chris thought he had finally gotten through to her to behave herself. She continued to sit like that for the last 20 minutes and I leaned over and asked Chris if she was sleeping, because that made sense to me but he said she wasn't so I believed him. Then it came time for the closing prayer and they chose the kid by pulling their name out of a tin. After about 2 names (which were absent) they called on Kaylie to give the prayer and the leader was like Oh! She isn't here! which I responded to Yes she is, she is right there. So the leader asked Kaylie if she wanted to say the prayer... Kaylie didn't respond. She continued to sit there and not move which proved she was asleep! It was funny and everyone knew she was sleeping. After the prayer the Sunbeams were released first because they were being the most reverent (or quietest). Chris picked her up and started taking her out when she woke up and her dad was waiting there for her. It was all quite humerous and we all laughed lots!
This last week I have been feeling a little more sick than I usually do and I finally threw up! Smells really bother me some times and this last week Chris made tuna noodle casserole stuff. To me the stuff reeks and I can't handle his nasty tuna/pickle breath. It always makes me feel really sick. Anyway, he left the dirty dishes for me to do. So the next day I started to wash them and it just stunk sooo bad and I couldn't handle it but my hands were all wet and so I couldn't reun to the bathroom fast enough to get tehre in time beforehand so that I can smell the stuff I put in there to make me feel better. I tried to get tehre but I just felt so sick and so I threw up! It was gross. I don't like throwing up. Anyway, I don't always feel too bad but I do feel sick frequently.
Well, there isn't much more to say. My mom and Becca are here visiting for a short time on their way up to Alaska. They have stayed to watch conference and my mom also got me a sewing machine. It is really nice to have one because I will be able to find things to do in my spare time. Anyway, I am going to stop since the last session just started.
1 week ago