Thursday, September 24, 2009

It was a nice run...

But its over! Breastfeeding is coming to a close in our home... Not because I want to give it up but because my body has decided to. Last week when Dallin and I went to the doctors he asked a bunch of questions and when he asked how much milk I got when I pumped, I said I don't know, about 3.5 ounces probably. So I started to pump once a day at different times to see how much milk I produced and learned that I can only pump 2 ounces ever 3 hours. That isn't much so even if I feed him every 2 hours, that is only about 14 ounces a day for Dallin... So I have come to the very very very difficult realization that it is in Dallins best interest to start feeding him formula and solid food. I will still try to breast feed him but he seems to prefer a bottle over me because he actually gets food out of a bottle... So it has been an emotional few days for me but as long as I can remember that my baby boy loves me, I should do a-okay, even though I am really upset that my milk is drying up.

So, on to things that make me happier! My baby boy! I took this picture today while I was rearranging Dallins room. He was happy to just sit there and play with his Mickey or his other toy. We bought a space heater for his room because he gets cold at night and in the mornings.

Chris loves to take pictures of Dallin when he is sleeping and Chris will go up to wake Dallin up or something and then come running down the stairs to get the camera to get his picture. I once had Dave, my old boss, say that he could tell we were first time parents because of all the pictures we take of Dallin and I guess its true! We do have the best intentions to take lots of pictures of all our kids though.

The other night we had a bottle of soda and Dallin wanted to hold the bottle, as he so frequently does when we eat or drink anything and he played happily with the bottle for like 20 minutes, trying to figure out how to get the liquid to come out. I can't drink my water bottle with Dallin in my arms anymore because he keeps grabbing my bottle and tries to drink out of it! Its very cute.

Before Jen and her family moved she found this chair for me at a garage sale and so now when we eat dinner we put Dallin in his big boy dinner chair so he can watch us eat and he loves it.

As usual, Dallin was enjoying bath time. He has recently figured out how to wiggle and squirm so that he sits side ways in the tub and he seems to enjoy it but it sure doesn't look comfy to me!

These are diaper covers! Lots of them! I had a friend who was willing to buy my "learning" diapers and so these are the finished products of that labor! I sent them out on Saturday and so hopefully she got them yesterday and she will be able to tell me how they fit her kids. I am going to start sewing them and stockpiling them and then open a shop online on and so I have been busy cutting and sewing those diaper covers! So here is a question, would you pay $9.50 for the smalls and go up by a dollar for each? (or 75 cents, I just haven't decided which). It takes the same amount of time to make each size, just cost in materials and that is about a $7 profit on each diaper... I just need to know if people would actually buy them!

This is Dallins special football diaper cover. Chris really likes foot ball so I decided I would make him a special diaper cover. unfortunately I modified the pattern and so it is actually a little too big for Dallin but I think it is cute.

In addition to sewing diaper covers, I sewed Dallin a fleece sleeper. I even put the giraffe on it! I thought the giraffe added a lot to the overall look of the sleeper. Unfortunately my "pattern" was for 12 months and so I don't think he will be wearing it until the end of the winter so I need to make some smaller ones now!

So, that is my baby boy. I do love him lots even though I can't breast feed him very well anymore. He is growing up so fast and is so smart. I even got a membership to the YMCA here and we went swimming today and he loved it. He likes to be in the pool because he can splash and he rolls over so well and he grabs so well and he smiles at his mommy all the time and he is just the best baby anyone could ever ask for!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

4 months already

I can't believe it has been 4 months! It seems like just last week Dallin was brought into our lives and made us so happy! I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful baby. We went to the doctors today for his 4 month check up and here are all of his stats since he was born!

Month 1 Weight - 8 pounds 8 ounces (18 %)
Month 2 Weight - 9 pounds 12.5 ounces (12 %)
Month 4 Weight - 10 pounds 15 ounces (1%)

Month 1 Head Size - 37 cm (25 %)
Month 2 Head Size - 38 cm (12 %)
Month 4 Head Size - 40 cm (7 %)

Month 1 Height - 21.5 inches (49 %)
Month 2 Height - 23.25 inches (64 %)
Month 4 Height - 24 inches (19 %)

As you can see, Dallin has not gained much weight in the last two months and so the doctor is a little concerned about him. He even told me that we should start Dallin on SOLID FOOD! How exciting! My baby boy is growing up! I will admit that I have been a little worried about him because he is still so skinny and didn't seem to be getting any heavier so I was glad that the doctor told us to feed him food! So today we did that and you can see our feeding experience! I uploaded a short video of his last spoonful and he did remarkably well while eating. We are hoping that he will start to gain weight quickly. I don't want him all pudgy but I do know he needs at least a little fat on him. I always felt like there wasn't enough milk for him when he ate and I guess I was right! But he never seemed fussy or hungry so I didn't know what to think!

One day when Chris came home there was a bunny sitting right outside of our door and so we were able to take Dallin out and stare at the bunny for a while! We do enjoy the local wild life here in Colorado Springs!

This is from yesterday when I was eating a graham cracker and Dallin was watching me and making smacking motions with his mouth so I decided to let him suck on part of my graham cracker and he LOVED it!

One of Dallins favorite toys is a mirror we bought him and he will grab it if we hold it in front of him and he will chew and suck on it. It is so cute to watch him with it!

Dallin likes to stare into the mirror and look for me in the reflection. He does it when we are in the bathroom too. He doesn't really care about looking at himself but he loves to look at me or Chris when he can see us in the mirror.

This is Dallin in the swing at the park. I pad it and put the blanket in the chains to prop him up and keep the sun off of him. He seems to enjoy sitting in the swing so anytime we are at a park I try to make sure I have the blankets so he can sit in the swing!

Chris and I have felt so blessed to have Dallin as a part of our lives and have enjoyed almost every minute of having our little miracle with us!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Colorado Balloon Classic!!!

This morning we woke up early! At 6:15 to be exact. That is early for me and Dallin. Chris gets up early all the time to work on his project but Dallin and I sleep in until 8 or later, depending on how long Dallin sleeps in until. So we woke up! Anyway, we quickly ate something and then got into the car to go see.... BALLOONS! Chris's work hosts the website for this balloon classic and so they gave Infront VIP/Sponsor parking passes. Parking was crazy there but we got to park inside of the park so we didn't have to walk very far so Chris was more easy going about going more than once!

Here Dallin is all dressed up. Our room was freezing this morning so we bundled him up so he wouldn't get cold while we were out seeing balloons early in the morning!

We wanted to watch them set up a balloon so we chose a spot that we could see lots of balloons and also stand next to one as it was being set up! This is them unloading the basket from the trailer. It was funny, their trailer had a sticker on it that said "Caution Balloon Chase Vehicle". I thought it was funny.

This is the balloons inflating! It was so fun to watch all of the balloons blow up.

Here they are with a little more air in them!

And even more air in the balloons! They are staring to get full enough to float up!

This is me and Dallin standing in front of the Mayflower Balloon. We got to watch this one inflate from the beginning and take off!

As you can tell, we were right in the middle of a BUNCH of balloons. Chris is filming some behind me and I got a picture of him with a lot of balloons behind him!

A lady walked by and offered to take our picture as a family so we gladly accepted her offer because we don't get many pictures of the three of us!

After the first wave of balloons left we walked to the other side of the launch field to put the sun behind our backs and I took another family picture of us!

Here is another round of balloons inflating!

I like the colors of the balloons in this picture. It was so neat to watch them all inflate. The Balloon Glo was really neat but it was even neater to watch them blow up at night!

Here is my love and my baby! I think for taking pictures on our video camera that they turned out really well. It doesn't say much about our picture camera if it doesn't take all that high quality pictures! It is about 4 years old though...

Whenever a balloon was about to take off they would have people who would walk with them and tell people to move out of the way. Since they are at the mercy of the wind they can't just lift up straight off the ground, they kinda float for a while before they get enough lift off!

Here is that Mayflower Balloon from earlier and they had a flag on their basket and I thought it was neat so I took a picture. You could dry your laundry easy that way!

I really like this picture with the sun shining between the two of them. Ahhh what an awesome start to a great day!

I thought this was a neat picture too.

And then because we live in Colorado I thought I should post this balloon.

And the final picture is one that I really like. The sky is dotted with balloons all over! It was so neat to be able to experience this and I hope that I can always find amazing things like this to do where ever we live!

Balloon Glo!!!

Saturday night they had an event called the Balloon Glo. I really wanted to go because I thought it sounded like fun to watch the balloons at night. We showed up around 5:30 in the evening because at 5 to 6 there was supposed to be a remote control air balloon show but we never found it so I guess they canceled it for that evening. So instead we walked around Prospect Lake while we were waiting. Once finished with our walk we went and claimed a spot on the side of a small hill so that we would have a good view.

This is me and Dallin, hanging out, waiting for the festivities to start! We had to wait for everyone to set up their balloons and then they adjusted the flame for maximum illumination!

This is the United van lines and it was in front of us and it was the first balloon blown up all the way! We kept waiting for it to lift off but I guess that they don't ever actually take off at night time, which is probably safest. So we got to sit there and watch all the balloons inflate and glo!

I kept trying to get a good picture of the actual flame of the balloon but it was really hard! They didn't always keep the flame on so I had to hurry if I wanted to get a good picture!

Here is another balloon that was blown up and illuminated!

This is my favorite picture. Because of all the open flames you could see a lot of color as well as all of the balloons being lighted up. It was so much fun! We were going to go again on Sunday night so that we could film more of it because the video camera battery died right after it got dark. So we didn't get any good shots of the actual lighting up but it was still a lot of fun.

I have never uploaded a video before so I am hoping that this one works! The announcer on the stage would start to count down and everyone would join in and the balloon people would all light up their balloons. It was really neat! This was on my picture camera but it doesn't really do it justice. It was still a lot of fun and I will always remember it!