Thursday, September 24, 2009

It was a nice run...

But its over! Breastfeeding is coming to a close in our home... Not because I want to give it up but because my body has decided to. Last week when Dallin and I went to the doctors he asked a bunch of questions and when he asked how much milk I got when I pumped, I said I don't know, about 3.5 ounces probably. So I started to pump once a day at different times to see how much milk I produced and learned that I can only pump 2 ounces ever 3 hours. That isn't much so even if I feed him every 2 hours, that is only about 14 ounces a day for Dallin... So I have come to the very very very difficult realization that it is in Dallins best interest to start feeding him formula and solid food. I will still try to breast feed him but he seems to prefer a bottle over me because he actually gets food out of a bottle... So it has been an emotional few days for me but as long as I can remember that my baby boy loves me, I should do a-okay, even though I am really upset that my milk is drying up.

So, on to things that make me happier! My baby boy! I took this picture today while I was rearranging Dallins room. He was happy to just sit there and play with his Mickey or his other toy. We bought a space heater for his room because he gets cold at night and in the mornings.

Chris loves to take pictures of Dallin when he is sleeping and Chris will go up to wake Dallin up or something and then come running down the stairs to get the camera to get his picture. I once had Dave, my old boss, say that he could tell we were first time parents because of all the pictures we take of Dallin and I guess its true! We do have the best intentions to take lots of pictures of all our kids though.

The other night we had a bottle of soda and Dallin wanted to hold the bottle, as he so frequently does when we eat or drink anything and he played happily with the bottle for like 20 minutes, trying to figure out how to get the liquid to come out. I can't drink my water bottle with Dallin in my arms anymore because he keeps grabbing my bottle and tries to drink out of it! Its very cute.

Before Jen and her family moved she found this chair for me at a garage sale and so now when we eat dinner we put Dallin in his big boy dinner chair so he can watch us eat and he loves it.

As usual, Dallin was enjoying bath time. He has recently figured out how to wiggle and squirm so that he sits side ways in the tub and he seems to enjoy it but it sure doesn't look comfy to me!

These are diaper covers! Lots of them! I had a friend who was willing to buy my "learning" diapers and so these are the finished products of that labor! I sent them out on Saturday and so hopefully she got them yesterday and she will be able to tell me how they fit her kids. I am going to start sewing them and stockpiling them and then open a shop online on and so I have been busy cutting and sewing those diaper covers! So here is a question, would you pay $9.50 for the smalls and go up by a dollar for each? (or 75 cents, I just haven't decided which). It takes the same amount of time to make each size, just cost in materials and that is about a $7 profit on each diaper... I just need to know if people would actually buy them!

This is Dallins special football diaper cover. Chris really likes foot ball so I decided I would make him a special diaper cover. unfortunately I modified the pattern and so it is actually a little too big for Dallin but I think it is cute.

In addition to sewing diaper covers, I sewed Dallin a fleece sleeper. I even put the giraffe on it! I thought the giraffe added a lot to the overall look of the sleeper. Unfortunately my "pattern" was for 12 months and so I don't think he will be wearing it until the end of the winter so I need to make some smaller ones now!

So, that is my baby boy. I do love him lots even though I can't breast feed him very well anymore. He is growing up so fast and is so smart. I even got a membership to the YMCA here and we went swimming today and he loved it. He likes to be in the pool because he can splash and he rolls over so well and he grabs so well and he smiles at his mommy all the time and he is just the best baby anyone could ever ask for!


Richard and Katie Hartman.... said...

Im sorry you've had a hard couple of days. I understand completely, I could only breastfeed Tyler for a month and a half and I was even supplementing with formula then too. Do they have "WIC" where you live? They buy all of our formula each month, because we make below a certain amount. you should check into it.

Blueblazis said...

Hey Sarah! So sorry to hear about the breastfeeding...that has to be hard. But, you are a wonderful mommy for making the best decision for Dallin! I cannot believe how big he is! I sincerely hope we get to see you guys this winter! You are a pro sewer now, look at you! I might be interested in some of those diaper covers, and the price sounds very competitive! Nice job on the sleeper! SUPER CUTE!!!

The Alaska DeKays said...

Sarah, Yo don't have to give up breast feeding completely if you don't want to. As you know I had similar milk production problems. I ended up supplimenting during the day, but I still would nurse morning and night. I don't know how much they got from me, but we still had that bonding time together until they were a year old.

Your sewing is awesome!

Sarah and Chris said...

I am still nursing about every 3-4 hours like usual its just that I give him 2 oz of formula before or after I nurse so that he doesn't get hungry. When I do that he doesn't seem nearly as fussy after finishing eating. Since we started doing that he has been much happier and even nurses better because he knows he isn't going to be hungry when he finishes eating. Its just sad that my milk production halved in 2 months but I guess that just happens to some people! So I am still enjoying breast feeding but I am sure that I will have to drop a daytime feeding soon because he nurses for less and less time because there just isn't much milk.