Saturday, June 21, 2008

I was tagged!

5 jobs I've had: (1) I was a janitor in high school (2) I did babysitting when I was younger (3) Orthodontic Assistant for my dad on my off-semesters (4) Genetics tutor last fall (5) I worked as a temporary chesbros employee!

These were all my jobs. I even had to stretch my mind for a fifth one...

5 places I have lived: (1) Arizona, I was born there (2) Kentucky (3) Germany (4) Alaska (5) Idaho

5 Favorite Snacks: (1) an apple slice wrapped in sandwich meat (2) pizza! (3) Yogurt (4) salad with french dressing (5) Crackers

5 things you may not know about me: (1) I love to wear high heels. I can't handle the tall heels I used to but a 2-3 inch heel is great for me now! (2) I eat a lot of yogurt. It is an easy snack and somewhat good for me (3) I have won 3 ultimate frisbee championships here at BYU-Idaho (4) Swimming is my favorite sport, probably because I hate running so much (5) I can't wait to have my own house so that I can have my own garden. I don't know when gardening became so appealing to me but I really look forward to it!

5 things I would do as a billionaire: (1) I would first buy a house (2) I would decorate that house (3) I would put lots of money into the bank for my kids so that school would be paid off from the very begining (4) I would pretend I wasn't rich so people wouldn't bother me. I wouldn't even tell my kids! (5) I would go all over the world so that I can know what this world holds!

5 things I love: (1) Chris! and family (2) My bed, it is my happy place (3) big bathtubs where the water will cover me all the way! (4) Nature when it is green (5) Reading books

5 people I tag: Well I don't have many people who look at my blog so (1) Carolyn (2) Brittney (3) Becca and that is all that hasn't done it yet I think!


Well, there is not much going on for us today. Chris and I should both be doing homework but on such a nice day we don't feel like it! You would think that since it is such a nice day outside that we would be out playing in the sunshine but we aren't! Chris fixed our internet this morning so that we don't need a network key but a password instead to connect. Then he reconfigured our Wii so that it gets the internet and he finally did something he has wanted to do for a long time: play people online with MarioKart. He is doing great and has got a pretty high score. I tried playing but we were apparently playing with "really good people" so I kept coming in last and such so I won't play online much in the future. Chris has the metality that if he wants to be better he has to play against better people. I am sure he is correct in this but I hate losing all the time so I don't like to play with his betters because he is my better!

We are hoping that maybe later on today some of our friends will be available to go play tennis with us. I love to play racquet ball with just Chris but in tennis, he is again, my better. So, we invited our friends to play so that way I would have other people to be a bad player with! Unfortunately they are busy making dinner for their cousin who just had a baby. psh! Service... Who does it? Anyone know some good things to do outside with only 2 people? It gets boring to play most games because they quickly become uninteresting.

We have less than a month of school left! On July 18th we will be graduating. My parents are coming down for a day and a half to watch us walk so that should be neat. Only Jennifer and her kids have seen our house. I think Becca did too when she came down for Thanksgiving last year. We like to have visitors though so it should be nice to have my parents here. Then the following Monday we go up to Alaska for 2 weeks! It should be really awesome! I haven't been there in the summer for a long time so I am hoping to do lots of things like go to the cabin, go on an overnight hike with the Townsends, go dipnetting and go camping! All of the fun summer things that you do in Alaska that I don't get to do because I really only come home in the winters!

So anyway, if anyone wants to race Chris on the Wii, tell us how to register you as a friend and prepare to get your booty handed to you!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Water Park

While Jennifer and kids were down here we had one nice day and that happened to be Saturday! We woke up that day, had a nice birthday breakfast for Chris because the next morning was fast Sunday so we couldn't eat then. After breakfast we played some games with Keith and Rachel while Jennifer napped because Thomas was not feeling well.

While Jennifer was getting ready to take Thomas to the doctors Chris was playing the guitar in our bedroom. Keith and Rachel came in to listen to Chris and started to dance on the bed. It was great. One time I asked Rachel to dance with me and she said no because she already knew how to dance! It was fun to watch them. Chris didn't know many songs that they knew so they just danced around for fun on the bed.

After Jennifer left we took the kids to the park and played with a basketball and football that Keith had gotten the day before. Chris and Keith played lots of racing games and they had fun while Rachel was tired and would sit on my lap and watch them with me. I didn't have my camera out at the time so I didn't get any pictures of them. When we realized that it was warm out and that the water park was indeed open, we went home and got swimsuits on and had lunch and went back to the park!

Rachel was scared of the water and didn't like being alone because Keith would leave her to run around everywhere.

The one coming out of the tube is Keith. He was scared to do it but I think Chris talked him into it. Probably something like "You will regret never having gone down that slide if you don't do it now!"

This was the only time we got Rachel to run around to multiple water spout-thingys. She was very nervous and didn't want to get wet. I understand because the water was really really cold.

This last one is of Rachel in her usual spot. She liked this fountain because it wasn't taller than her and it was close to where Chris and I were standing. She would usually stick her feet in it or her hands and the run around on the dry cement so she could see her footprints. After a while Keith was freezing because he was always running through the water while Rachel was still mostly dry.

I didn't get a picture of it but to walk up to the slides you have to walk under this pipe that shoots water down on you and Rachel was really scared of it so she wouldn't go up to the slides but she wanted to go down them. To get passed this I grabbed her and put her on the red slide as high as I could and let her go down. She seemed to like it but never wanted to do it again. Maybe next time I will say things like Chris to get her to go down it by herself.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

The morning after Memorial Day

On Memorial Day Jennifer and Tyson and their kids came up to Rexburg to visit Chris and I. Tyson had to fly out the next morning so he could get back to the slope so Jennifer asked if Chris and I could watch the kids that night so that they didn't have to worry about them. After we went out to dinner we went to the Evans' house and picked up Keith and Rachel and on the way back to Rexburg from their house we got lost! We weren't quite lost because we could see the "mountains" and so we knew we were pointed in the right direction but we had no idea where we were or how far the highway was. Eventually we found it and there was rejoicing all around! The kids were tired and though they weren't complaining I could tell they wanted to go to sleep. Once we got on the highway we told jokes the rest of the way home, focusing mainly on knock-knock jokes. When we got home we put them straight to bed and they were out like a light!

The next morning I went to class and Chris stayed at home and the kids woke up and were playing hide and seek when I came home, Chris fed them while I sat on the couch because I was pooped from my weight training class. After they ate I helped them take showers, which Keith didn't think he needed though he really did. Chris then left and I was still tired so I had them color! Rachel kept asking me and Keith what to draw and she would draw it beautifully as any young child can. Keith drew a rocket ship and the moon and I drew an underwater adventure as you can see on the paper that Rachel and I shared.

So happy! They are really good about taking pictures and say cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese as long as you have the camera to your face.

Keith's drawing.
Mine and Rachel's paper!

At 10:15 I had class again so we asked our friend Gary to come watch the kids for an hour in the morning. He was nice enough to do it even though he was a little later than I expected. The kids seemed to have fun with him. When I came home they were playing Sorry! and Gary, being the nice individual he is let Rachel and Keith win. He even cheated for them, rearranging the draw pile so they got all the cards they needed quickly. He is very good about letting kids win. Something funny that happened later on in the day was that we were playing the Wii. We started with Mario kart which is a little hard for them and then we moved on to bowling. The problem was that I couldn't find the Wii Sports disc! It wasn't in the case and it wasn't on the T.V. stand and I was afraid that they had lost it when the kids were looking at all the games we had earlier that morning. I was starting to worry and as a last ditch resort I looked in the DVD player and behold! there was the Wii Sports disc I was so worried about! I asked Keith how it got there and he said that Gary put it in there when they wanted to play the Wii while I was gone. Gary, for some odd reason thought that the DVD player was the same thing as the Wii, even though they are right next to each other. We all got a good laugh out of that one.


A few weeks ago Chris and I went out with our friends, the Rammels (Tyler and Alex) and went slacklining. This is just like tight rope walking but the rope isn't nearly as taut as one at the circus would be! nor as high. Its a fun thing to do on nice days just to get out and feel like you are being active! I found out about it from my friend Katie up in Alaska a few years ago and then I bought the equipment and brought it down here. Chris got a really big kick out of it so it is something we always like to do it together.

This is Alex walking on the line. She was a little nervous so she never let go of Tyler for more than a second but I remember what it was like on my first day too!

This was my last time on the line and Chris took a picture for me.
Chris and I were sitting on the line and Alex took a picture for us. We don't have enough pictures together because either a) we don't have the camera or b) we are alone so it is too hard to find someone to take the picture for us.

Out of everyone I was the best. Maybe it is because I have god-like balance or maybe I just have been doing it longer so I am better. It is actually really hard when you first start because your leg shakes so much when you try to balance and then for some reason it gets better. Anyway, it was a lot of fun and maybe when I come home in the summer (hopefully) I will bring it and we can have the little kids try to do it!