Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The last little while has been pretty good for Chris and I. We haven't done much recently because doing things usually costs money but we find lots of stuff to do around the house. We also go to the library lots! It is awesome how the library rents out movies. You get them for a week and then apparently they have a 3 day grace period so you can really check movies out for 10 days before late fees apply! Isn't that neat! Our latest move that we watched was the Iron Giant. I have noticed in this last trimester that I have been a bit more emotional than usual and the Iron Giant made me cry... Not as bad as Bolt did though! Has anyone seen that movie? It is a good movie but I couldn't handle it when we saw it. I liked it but it made me cry... a lot... I was trying so hard to not cry towards the end so that when we walked out of the theater my face and eyes wouldn't be all red but that didn't work out so well. Thankfully I have a wonderful husband who doesn't mind it when I cry over an animated movie...

Below are some recent pictures that we have taken. The first one is this awesome little fish jar we made for our sunbeam class and I liked it so much that I made one for our house as well. Actually it was the prototype. We had to make sure we would be able to do it in class so we made one the night before. Isn't it beautiful? I found the idea for it in a magazine and it is actually supposed to have magnets on the lid that hold the fish up but we couldn't find magnets strong enough to do that so we just attached strings to the lid and have the fish float. All of the kids got smaller jars with only one fish. It was a really fun lesson when we did it.

This is just a picture of me and Chris. It has been a long time since we had a picture together and unfortunately this is pretty much the only way we can take pictures these days! If we do go out with someone we never have our camera to take pictures. Though I think next week we will have a few new pictures of me and him. My neighbor is going to take belly pictures of me and I want Chris to be in a few of them so hopefully we will get some new pictures of the two of us that look good!

This one is me being pregnant. I can't really tell if I have gotten bigger, picture-wise, from the last prego picture we gook of me but I feel a bit bigger. I also have noticed that he likes to curl up in a ball by my hips and it pops lots of my lumbar vertebrae out of place. I can usually just flex my spine and they pop into place and force him to move too and so he adjusts every time I pop my back. Its a really weird feeling. Unfortunately it makes sleeping a pain in the back!
This picture is just me looking fabulous. I thought it accentuated my belly very nicely. The shirt helps a lot too. Chris's mom gave it to me for Christmas in hopes that I would use it when I needed a comfy shirt for around the house. It is a very soft shirt and I do like to wear it on my days that I hang around the house. Don't get me wrong though! I do try to make an effort to look nice but something about a big t-shirt makes it seem like a good day to be lazy.
So those are some new pictures. I hope you liked them. I need to take some pictures of all our baby stuff. We recently got a swing and a car seat from a family in our ward and another family is offering us their very nice looking crib and I told them we would take it. We do have this other one but it isn't very nice... very shaky... and so I wouldn't mind having it. We just have to pick it up! And then another family is offering us their rocking chair that they never use. We have gotten lots of really nice stuff from lots of people and so we have only had to spend about $5 on baby stuff so far! Its a good thing I was raised with the mentality that second hand stuff is okay... Otherwise we would be out a couple hundred dollars already!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sunbeam Shenanigans

I believe I have mentioned it before but Chris and I are the sunbeam teachers in our ward. As you know at the begining of the year all the kids move up to the class they belong in and so we got 6 kids from nursery in January and said goodbye to our 3 wonderful girls. We got 5 boys and 1 girl. So far we have not had all 6 show up in the same week but we have had met all of them. This blog post is about a set of twins in our class. 


The twins are Chase and Aiden. Their mom is the primary president and they know she is there during sharing time and so some days we have a difficult time with those two because we can't keep them in their seats because they run up to their mom to talk to her. What makes it difficult is that if we catch them and tell them to stay in their seats they drop to the ground and start bawling and disrupting the entire primary so we usually let them run to their mom because Chris and I don't want to deal with a crying child who can't handle to be in the same room as his mother and not be allowed to go talk to her. Chase and Aiden thankfully take turns being the difficult child. Usually one will listen to us and the other won't. But this story isn't about sharing time. Its about class time!


After the second week we had them we haven't had a problem with them. Some days we still have a hard time getting them in class but once they are in class they enjoy it and they participate and are actually very good kids. This Sunday though... something happened. Maybe it was the day light savings or maybe it was the fact that they both didn't sleep well and so they were cranky. I don't know. But they made it a very memorable Sunday.


They walk in to class and then a minute later while we are waiting for everyone to show up, they run out and tell their mom they want their stuffed animals. I personally don't agree with this but I know if I take them away that they will both cry the entire time. We tried it once. Now the animals have to sit in their own chairs and be reverent and no one can play with them. Granted, this doesn't work to well but at this point in time I would rather put up with them playing with their animals than putting up with them crying the whole time. We could just send them to their mom but we are trying to keep them away from her so that they can start to recognize other authority figures. Anyway, they sit down and we sing the song and say the prayer and a few minutes into the lesson, Chase says he needs to go tell his mom something. This means that he really wants to go see her and get out of class so I said no. Chris enforced it by shutting the door. And I kept asking Chase what he needed to tell his mom and he kept saying something and eventually he admitted "I don't know". So I said he didn't have anything to tell her and come sit back down so we can finish our game. He didn't like that so he ran into the corner and started to cry. After a couple minutes of crying in the corner he says he needs to see his mom about a booger and so I asked Chris to go get a paper towel for him. Chase didn't like that so he started to cry REALLY loud (in a little room) and kick the walls and made it so we couldn't do our lesson because the kids couldn't hear me! I got frustrated so I went to ask his mom what I should do. I saw his grandma first and asked her and she said that it sounded like there was trouble going on in class and I explained it and she went to tell her daughter/Chase's mom what was going on. The first counselor was asked to attend to the presidents child in hopes that some day her sons might not be so dependent on her so the counselor came and got Chase from the class room and we continued on with our lesson.


About 10 minutes later Aiden starts playing with his stuffed animal and we keep telling him to put it down. Usually when there is only one of the twins they are more open to suggestion. He didn't stop playing with it so Chris took it away. Aiden then hit Chris, ran to the door, couldn't get out fast enough and ran into the back corner under a table and cried. I was very frustrated at this point because we had already had that problem with Chase. So I take a few deep breaths and look at Chris and we both exchange tired/frustrated glances and then Aiden starts walking to the door and Chris goes to talk to him and then is like Sarah! Hes bleeding! When Aiden threw himself on the ground under the table he must have hit his nose and started it bleeding. Thankfully we still had that paper towel from the booger Chase supposedly had so we put that on Aidens face and I take him out to go see his mom. 


The counselor who was taking care of Chase was sitting with him on the ground right outside our door so when I came out she got up and was like ahhh! I can take Aiden! I explained what happened and she went off to take him to his mom. She told Chase to come into class and I tried to get him to come into class too but he looked at me and started crying and ran off down the hall after his brother to where he had just seen his mom. So now the twins were gone.... All we had was Trezden who is a very cute boy who has an amazing amount of wiggles. We continued our lesson and got to the activity and the primary president walks in with her boys and they get excited about making foam flowers (the lesson was I am thankful for trees, plants and flowers). There wasn't much time so I told them they had to hurry and glue them on. Then class was over 3 minutes later and Chris walks them to sharing time while I stay after to talk to their mom about what to do when something like that happens and also what we should do about them running to her during sharing time. It kinda seems like there isn't much we can do unless we want them to cry and have to take them out... which is difficult to do when we have 4 or 5 kids at a time. After I went to sharing time Chase saw his mom sit down in the back and had to go see her and she told him to go sit back down with his teachers and he started to cry really loud so the counselor took him out again. Thankfully Aiden at this point decided he was going to be better behaved... so he just sulked in his chair. 


So that was our sunbeam adventure on Sunday... I hope and pray that we don't have another day like that ever again. It was absolutely miserable and once our baby is born I think it might even get more difficult if we have to deal with all the problems of 5 little boys and 1 little girl... Maybe by that time we will have taught them how to stay in their seats and pay attention though... HA!!!!!!!!!!!


Last night they and their mom came over to our house with apology cards and cookies and said they were sorry and that they will do better next week. I really hope it does go better. It was very sweet of them to do that though. Hopefully they will be like that in class next week.