For the first time since June, Chris and I were able to go out on a long 5 hour date... I helped Peggy two weeks ago and she said she owed us one and so I said she could watch Dallin sometime for a night and we would be even. So Peggy said that she would take him last night. We really liked that idea because we don't get Dallin-free nights and more importantly, Dallin-free mornings very often!
We wound up asking Peggy to take Tristan for a few hours too. Due to the fact that my milk is drying up again and he is becoming a mostly bottle fed baby, we could be away from him for a few hours. I will admit, I felt guilty leaving him behind because I haven't ever left Tristan with someone other than my mom or Chris and I NEVER would have left Dallin alone for so long at 2 months. Mostly because I would have needed to nurse him but still, I was very attached. The second child doesn't get nearly as much attention as the first I guess.
Anyway, it has been some time since Chris and I have been able to go to the temple and I decided that was what I wanted to do with our date time. It was a wonderful experience. We went and did initiatorys for the first time since we went for ourselves and it was a wonderful experience to hear those blessings that we receive at the temple. I really enjoyed it. I believe next time we will do sealings and that way we can have done everything at least once and then I think we are going to start going through for family.
It was a wonderful time, being child free and going to the temple, doing a service to others. I hope that we will be able to go to the temple regularly now that I am not stuck so closely to Tristan with nursing. I will miss nursing and the closeness that I feel to Tristan when I nurse but I will enjoy the opportunity to start going to the temple already!
1 week ago