Chris and I have had an eventful time this last week. For starters we packed up our entire apartment, starting the serious packing on Monday and ending with the packing on Wednesday. We didn't want to start packing too early in case we needed something but we didn't want to start too late because we didn't want to be rushed! I think we could have used another day so that we wouldn't have felt so rushed. We had so many things to do! For the most part I did all the packing because, lets face it, Chris isn't the best packer. He gets bored and frustrated pretty fast where as me, I keep going for hours! He had lots of other things to take care of for us though. Such as calling the realtors that we were going to be renting from! It was somewhat frustrating dealing with them because they would say one thing and then later they would say something else, such as, since we don't have an income we would need to pay for 3 months rent up front. We were like okay, we can do that. Then on Tuesday I believe it was Chris was talking to them again and they said at that point that we would have to pay the entire lease (6 months) up front, plus the deposit, plus the rent for the last 3 days of August. It was frustrating because we had enough money for the 3 months, but for 6 months? Needless to say we borrowed from the family bank.
That was Monday through Wednesday. Then on Thursday we got the U-haul! Chris showed up at the place at about 8:30 but they didn't have the car trailer thingy at that point so they said give us a half hour and we will have it here. They had to send someone to Ashton and then bring it back. I guess they just didn't think we would be prompt. Also, I just wanted to add that we had woken up at 3 a.m. so that we could clean the apartment. As soon as we woke up we took apart the bed and took everything out the bedroom and started cleaning. We had to clean the blinds because Rexburg is the dustiest place alive! then we had to wash all the walls but unfortunately as we washed them the paint would come off so we had to be very very careful! Then the bathroom was cleaned at the same time. We were done with all of that by 7:30 so we took a break until Chris got the U-haul which took longer than planned. As soon as we did our very nice friend Leo came over and helped Chris carry everything to the U-haul and pack it. For the most part I was packing the left over stuff that hadn't been in boxes and cleaning. We did that for the next many hours. We thought the managers were coming at 6 but apparently we told them to come on Friday, not Thursday, so we were in a hurry to clean everything for no reason! We had a huge steak dinner that night because we were trying to get rid of all our meats and foods. Then we went to bed! At like 7:45 that night. We even had sleep drugs because we needed to fall asleep and stay asleep! Because...
Friday morning we wanted to get up at 1:30, unfortunately Chris set the alarm but never turned it on so at 2 a.m. he got up and was like oh crap! Its 2! We had been hoping to be gone by two. So we got up and loaded everything. It took us an hour to get everything settled because it took us a while to first hitch the tow trailer onto the truck and then we had to get the green car onto the tow trailer. I think we did remarkably well though and were on the road at 3 a.m. with plenty of Red Bulls and Code Reds! About every 4 hours we would stop and fill up but the red car was usually only between a third and half empty, but I guess U-hauls are different. During this time I was hard pressed to stay awake and stay focused, especially when it was dark. To help me I had to listen to the radio, music would put me asleep so I had to listen to people talking so I listened to NPR for like 12 hours that day... It was amazing to listen to the changes that would come throughout the day. From 3-6 the major thing was Obamas acceptance speech and from 6-10 that was intermingled with thoughts of Romney or some other guy becoming V.P. and there was also this thing about flies and how to better swat them running during the whole time as well. Then at around 10 to the end of our trip there was stuff on Sarah Palin becoming the V.P. When you listen to NPR for that long, everything just sounds the same. So then I switched to a democrat radio station but they swore to much and were too rude to listen to for long so then I found the republican station and listened to that for a long time as well. Anyway, needless to say I learned about politics that day.
As soon as we got to Colorado Springs we drove to the Realtors office. It was about 3:40 by that point, I got the key and directions and we went to the townhouse that we wanted to rent. The place is so much bigger than we are used to but it smells like an animal lived here last time... it stinks... like animal... but since we got here it has actually gotten better. We leave the windows and doors open all day so it really only smells in the mornings. Anyway, after we looked at the place we needed to get the entire amount of money for the lease and unfortunately we found out that Colorado Springs does not have a Bank of America. I don't support that bank. It sucks. Because they don't have one here we didn't have access to most of our money and didn't know what to do! We talked and I stressed for a while with the realtor about options to get the money but nothing would work since we needed a money order or certified funds, not cash or a check. I was freaking out. Finally, we called Bank of America and asked them to extend our limit for the day and we went to an atm and withdrew $1200 dollars because we were allowed to pay part of the lease as long as we pay by this Friday by 5. When we got the money we went back and then Chris sent me to get the money changed to a money order at a 7-11 down the street but they were all out of the paper work for it! So I had to go back, get the car and drive a mile away and get it changed there. Unfortunately I was an idiot you apparently can't pay for the fee of a money order with a credit card so I was in doo-doo because I needed $1.98 to change the $1200 into money orders! Thankfully, the amazingly nice guy behind the counter who was doing this for me said that he would cover it and paid for the $1.98. I was about to break down and cry in front of him because it had been a long day and I hate driving in traffic (Denver area) and I was afraid we wouldn't be able to move in that night! I wish I knew who he was so I could thank him.
Anyway, we pay for it, we come back and we start unloading. It took us about 2 and a half hours to unload the U-haul, do a condition report and set up the bed. Once that happened, we crawled into bed and slept. It was one of the hardest days of my life...
That was our move! On Saturday we unpacked pretty much everything and it feels like a real home now. Our ward on Sunday was amazingly friendly. Apparently they don't get many people moving in so they are always doing fasts for new people to move in so they were happy to see us. It makes me feel like I did something right! Starting tomorrow I will be taking resumes to orthodontic offices nearby and hope I get a job, Chris has an interview tomorrow and hopefully we will both be hired this week! Wish us luck!
Isn't life fun?
1 week ago
All I can say is WOW! You guys sound busy!
wow, sarah. i'm glad that you made it in one piece and are still alive! i would probably be a vegetable at that point, either that or have a complete meltdown. yeah, i just don't handle well under stress. i can't wait to come and see your new house! only about four weeks away!! :)
Sounds like me and Chad's trip to Colorado Springs from Rexburg for his internship. It's quite a drive.
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