Our month of December was wonderful. There was a lot going on but we survived and are looking forward to this new year!
One of the first things is that my really good friend Gaylene came to visit us. She is so much fun and I love talking to her and we did that for the majority of the time we spend together! We were even able to go to the temple together and that was a great experience to go with her. She also spent the night one night and that was a lot of fun. Its been a while since I had seen any old friends and its always fun to reminisce about days gone by!
I spent a good portion of the beginning of December working on Christmas gifts and one day I was busy and didn't want to deal with Dallins fussies and so I stuck him in his chair and gave him a banana to munch on for the first time. I have fed him real bananas before but he doesn't seem to like the flavor of them and so I got a picture of his cute little face as he tried to eat it. We are still working on it. I can get him to gnaw on apples and bell peppers but bananas just don't a"peel" to him for some reason. haha! I will post pictures later on of all the Christmas gifts I made but I figured this post was already long enough so I should just stick to the basics!
Can you guess what this is? It is a pregnancy test that is positive! It came as quite a surprise to us but we are really happy about it! It is funny because at Thanksgiving when we were in Alaska Chris and I had decided that once the holidays were over we were going to sit down and fast and pray about when we should have another child because I felt like we should start preparing for another one. A short time later I felt as though I should take a pregnancy test and voila! A positive test! Unfortunately because I had not settled into a schedule, we have no idea when I actually got pregnant so I could be anywhere from 10 to 6 weeks along already. We have not yet gone to the doctor because I need to call them and ask what to do if we are medicaid pending. I do really want to go in and talk to them and make sure everything is hunky-dory since Dallin and this baby will be so close together. About 15 months we figure! So, yeah! We are really happy about it and are looking forward to having a baby sister for Dallin! So I keep saying.
This is my Love and my baby. Chris's mom got Dallin a Santa suit and the hat was so adorable on him that I had him wear it almost all the time before we left for Maryland. It helped me to remember the Christmas season!
This is us at the Denver airport. We were dropped off and made it through security super fast and then stopped at the family bathroom. Those things are awesome! I love being able to have a place to stick Dallin while I go the bathroom. This was him rolling around on the counter while Chris threw away the diaper and he was just so happy sitting there with his leg stuck under the cold cold bar! He is such a cutie.
Unfortunately we didn't really take our camera anywhere so we don't have many pictures of our trip in Maryland. But we got lots of us at Peggy's house with Dallin. This is Dallins awesome new toy that we got him. Unfortunately we couldn't bring it home with us so it is sitting in Peggy's basement. We will be getting it back from her when we move there in about 2 months! He didn't like it at first because it was scary and he really wanted it to bounce like his jumper but after a while he started to realize that the music and the toys on it were awesome! It was his one big gift from me and Chris!
This is my adorable baby boy in his Santa suit! He got really hot in it so he kept losing pieces of it throughout the Christmas day but he was cute in it for pictures at first!
One day we went to the Baltimore Harbor with some our friends, Golden and Sonya, from Rexburg who happened to be visiting Golden's family for Christmas. It was great to see them and walk around with them even if it was for just an afternoon. It was a very very brisk and windy day at the harbor so I was bundled up as much as possible since I always get cold and Dallin was in the front pack, snuggled in Chris's coat with him, which was good because it helped Chris stay warmer too!
This is just a ships wheel they have at the harbor and we wanted a picture of the three of us and Dallin wanted to hold onto the wheel. It was very cute but very short lived since it was so cold I made him put his arms back into Chris's coat immediately after the picture was taken.
This is Chris and Golden showing off their manly physiques while Sonya and I caught our breaths at a stopping point. Those stairs were intense... Ahhh such a cute and funny husband I have!
This was on our walk in Baltimore, Dallin is asleep and warm in Chris's coat. And if you look closely in the back ground you can see a hand sticking out of the wall from that building! Its coming to get us all!!! This was some weird art building that had creepy looking "art" but some of it was neat. I wanted to get a picture of the cello-bird but I forgot. It was about 2 stories high and had the body of a cello.
This was Daalin at 5 Guys where we ate lunch. Dallin was so tired. He didn't have a very long nap in Chris's coat and so he was having a hard time waking up but he was hungry at the same time so I made him a bottle and stuck him in a high chair and he slouched there, drinking his bottle. Then we tried giving him fries but I think that gave him an upset tummy later on. But it was a lot of fun going to the harbor with Golden and Sonya.
On the plane ride home Dallin got diarrhea, and it was a constant thing. In a 4 hour plane ride he pooped 6 times but due to take off and landings and turbulence we only changed him 3 times. So when we got home we got him some pedialyte because he was pooping so much and he loved it and I finally got a great picture of him drinking from his bottle while rolling around on the ground.
This is Dallin right after we opened his present from my grandparents and it says something... nto quite sure what, baby or mama or dad but we can't quite tell but I think that Dallin believes it is a real baby and so he loves to touch its face and hands. And listen to it talk to him!
These are some blocks that Dallin loves to play with that our friend Jen got for him at a garage sale this summer. At first Dallin didn't care for them but lately he has enjoyed hitting them together to make noise and he really loves that there are lots of different pictures on them and then we make the noise that the animals do. Some blocks don't have animals that don't make noises, like the lady bug but he likes it when we make up noises too. He is such a cutie and seems to be very intelligent. In his baby blessing my dad said that he would have a love of reading and it definitely seems like that is already coming forth!
My sister Becca and her husband Shawn stopped by for New Years Eve but we didn't get any pictures. I was sick that day with throwing up and not enjoying life too much but I did enjoy the time I got to spend with them, even though it was just for about 18 hours.
It was a wonderful year for us and we have enjoyed the many, many blessings that the Lord has given to us through out the year. We had Dallin, we made some great friends here in Colorado, Chris finally graduated, we were sealed for all time and eternity as a family and we are expecting our second child. So many wonderful things have happened for us and I hope that the Lord continues to bless us throughout this next year!
i have you address. I sent you a Christmas card! duh!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!!! Congrats on the new baby!!!!! I am so excited for you! I loved having my last 2 so close together!!
didn't get any pictures of us??? i'm wounded! okay, i don't know that i took that many pictures while we were there either, so i'll let it pass... this time. :) just fyi, i think we finally finished the last bottle of soda on wednesday or thursday and now i'm addicted! orange soda forever!!! :)
CONGRATS! I am so excited for you guys! When is the official due date? I am glad that everything is going so well for the 3 (this year 4) of you! I hope you can move to Maryland sooner than later, it would be great to see you!
Such a great summary and post! Thanks for sharing. Dallin is always so happy and cute in all his pictures! We love you and are happy for you new little one that will be coming. Keith is excited to be able to hold all the new babies this year. We went to Carolyns, and he held Canyon for about 30 minutes and wanted to hold her even longer!
Tell Chris and Dallin hi for us. And I am so happy for Chris that his college days are over for him!
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