Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mean People

Today our trash can was stolen. Its a very sad day. I was putting Dallin down for a nap when the trash guys came by and after I left his room I saw our trash can leaning against the snow bank. I saw it there and thought, man, those guys were rude today, not standing my trash can upright. About 2 hours later I think it was I went upstairs to get Dallin and I noticed that our trash can wasn't there anymore! It was windy today I will admit so I ran outside for a moment to look in the road and it wasn't anywhere! Some jerk came and took our awesome trash can! It makes me sad that there are people like that who would steal someones trash can... I mean, come on! Its where we put poopy diapers and our trash! Why would someone want it? I just can't believe there are people that mean around. It makes me sad for the state of the world.

1 comment:

The Alaska DeKays said...

As your brother always says, "One man's trash is another man's treasure." Literally speaking of course.