Monday, February 18, 2013


I feel like it doesn't happen very often, but occasionally all three of my boys will play together and happily. It happened this morning! But even more importantly, it gave me hope that they will be great friends and support one another.

We have a toy that allows a baby to hold on to it and walk with it. We bought it for Dallin and Tristan used it and now it is Warrens turn to learn how to walk with it. Warren is very hesitant about it though. He holds on to it and bounces up and down and moves his arms but firmly plants his feet and doesn't move them. Such a silly boy. But every once in a while he would take a step or two. Dallin and Tristan were right there next to him. And if they ever saw him take those tiny steps, they would both get so excited and yell loudly express their happiness at him walking. Dallin at one point yelled out "Look! He is learning!" Tristan yelled "He is doing it!" and any time I tell them that Warren is learning how to do something, they get very involved and so excited for him to do it. Such as the stairs or walking, or learning how to go from crawling to a sitting position, or even learning how to drink out of a sippy cup.

I hope they always get so excited and want to help one another learn how to do things. I see Dallin and Tristan always showing each other how to do something and now they do it for Warren as well. Such good friends.

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