Friday, May 8, 2009

Belly pics

My neighbor Jen is something of a photographer (among many other talents) and so she offered to take pictures of me while I had a huge prego belly and I said yes! Carolyn got some when she was pregnant with Catheryn I think and I thought they were really cute so I was happy to have this done.

Its a huge belly! Isn't it amazing how I don't have any stretch marks? They are there. We used makeup! Just kidding! It was photo shop cause I didn't want everyone to see how much my belly had to stretch to fit this little bugger!

There were lots of different poses but I just chose a few of my favorite pictures to put up. The lighting was not cooperating that day and so it was difficult to take lots of the pictures because her camera would switch lighting features and auto focus and such.

I like this one and Chris and I thought the exact same thing when we saw it the first time. I look like my sister, Jennifer! I don't mind because I like Jennifer it is just that in most pictures I usually resemble Becca or Carolyn and this was the first picture I had seen where I look a lot like Jennifer!

I think this one is my favorite out of all the pictures though. I look so cute! Chris was not here for these pictures since we did them while he was at work but we went back a while later and she took a bunch of pictures of me and Chris together and I can't wait to see those ones because I think they will look very cute. Plus, Chris and I haven't been together in any pictures in a long time so it will be nice to finally have a recent picture of the two of us. Granted, I am sure we will get a few pictures of us with our baby, but these are nice ones that I don't mind sending out and letting people see. So, keep looking and hopefully Jen will get those pictures finished soon so that you can all see how Chris and I look together!


Dana said...

These are beautiful and you will treasure them forever. I think that is one mistake that most mothers make, they don't take enough belly pictures. Hang in there, it's almost over.

Amy Allred said...

You look so good!! I regret not taking very many belly pics with any of my kids. Keep us posted!

Carolyn Townsend said...

Sarah your favorite is mine. Very cute. Jonathon actually took the prego pictures for me when I was prego with Cayden. They were pretty cute. I will have to do that again next time a little one comes.

The Alaska DeKays said...

Sarah you are gorgeous! How nice to have such a talented neighbor.

Cheris said...

You are sooooo beautiful!!! The bottom one is my favorite!!! No one told me that you were supposed to take pictures like this and everyone I know has taken them. I so wish I would have!!!

You are gorgeous girl!!! I hope your doing good!!!! Let me know how things are going when you have time!!!

Jennifer Bundy said...

I had to look at the picture closer, and for a few minutes, but I guess I can see a resemblance to me. I have a hard time seeing resemblance between all of us, becuase I just see us as all individuals. But I am flattered, because all your pictures were great, beautiful, so if I look like you, it must be good for me right?

BTW, congrats on Dallin coming to join your family safely! I stopped by here to see if you were super duper mom (I know you are super) and have pics posted yet, but I completely understand getting used to the new life. I can't wait to see pics!

Love you all!

Chadster and Brittster said...

I am so surprised at how beautiful you are for how pregnant you are. Usually girls gain weight in their face and such. You look gorgeous!