-I made a friend! A neat friend named Nancy and she is really nice and I like her lots. She lives next door, has pink hair and she goes on walks with me and Dallin during the day because she stays at home and works on her art all day. She does some really neat things, especially scrap books. I have been watching her house for her while she and her husband are gone and I look at all her scrap books and they are amazing! I want to some day be able to do a book like that for Dallin but we shall see if I ever get to be that creative!
-Chris is quitting his job and his last day is on the 28th. He was so unhappy there that it was affecting our family life so we decided that the best thing for our family was for him to quit. He has an interview tomorrow for a part time job that he will actually be working at home from. Hopefully everything will go well because if he does work part time, he will have more time to work on his project and finish it!
-I have been sewing lots and have made Dallin lots of cute little outfits and shirts and I put some pictures of his two new shirts on here. I have also been sewing another diaper bag for my sister in law but I didn't put a picture on here because I want it to be a surprise. As soon as I finish that I plan on making a bunch of diaper covers and putting my etsy shop up. I know I have been saying that for a while but I like to do other projects as well!
-Dallin is finally gaining weight! I weighed him on our scale and he gained a pound and a half in a month, which is better than he had gained in two months! So, we are finally feeding him enough to give him the nutrition he needs. I can only breast feed 3 times a day and he gets about 20 ounces of milk a day and then 2 containers of baby food, so I think he is eating plenty! If he gets uber hungry I feed him more but usually he is just fine after eating only 4 ounces. And he is getting so cute and finally getting fleshed up so his arms and legs are FINALLY filling out!
I am sure there are lots of other things going on for us, like giving Dallin to baby sitters so we can go on a date once a month and going to the Y lots and plans for Halloween but I need to get this post finished because I need to go to bed soon! So here are some fun pictures! This is Dallin and Daddy after work. Chris will play the guitar for Dallin and he just loves to stare at Daddy while he plays. Its very cute to watch. Dallin seems to be taking more of an interest in Chris these days which is really nice for Chris. He even laughs for Chris now!
This is a Jumperoo we have borrowed from Joyce and Eddy. Dallin isn't the biggest fan of it yet but I am sure in time he will come to love it. For now, we can only get him to be happy in it for about 5 minutes. His feet don't touch the ground very well and he doesn't really like the toy in front of him because he gets frustrated and wants to put it in his mouth but he can't! So he cries and we take him out and then he is happy!
This is a good happy picture of him. He is one of the happiest babies and so when he is unhappy and crying, we find it very odd and we sometimes aren't even sure what to do because most days we get by with maybe 20 minutes total of crying because he is just so happy!
Dallin and I were sitting together and he kept leaning his head backwards until he had scooted off my lap and he enjoyed biting Donna the Duck for about 15 minutes in this awkward position.
Dallin still loves his mirror and so he will stare at himself but more often than not, he just wants to chew on it. It makes him very happy to chew on his mirror and then look at his slobbery reflection!
This is Dallin's good friend Ben. We babysat Ben and the two babies seemed really interested in each other. Ben likes to touch Dallin and Dallin likes to lick Ben. Its very cute to watch them interact and it makes me look forward to having another baby, in a long while still.
This is Chris feeding Ben and Dallin feeding himself! Dallin likes to hold his own bottle and he is really good at it. Towards the end of the bottle he gets fidgity and so he will get the nipple out of his mouth but other than that, he can feed himself 4 ounces. I don't do it very often because I like the bonding time while feeding him but Chris likes to have Dallin feed himself. We just thought it was funny because Ben wasn't feeding himself. I think it was because his mom wasn't there and he doesn't seem to like to eat if she isn't around. I hope Dallin doesn't get that way!
This picture is for Peggy because she got Dallin this onsie and he fits it so we thought he should wear it and we got a picture of it. He was in a good mood and liked to take pictures so we have a bunch of this shot!
This is a little book/tree thing I made to help decorate my house but Dallin likes to play with it too. It is an abbreviated version of some of the New Testament in Spanish and since I wasn't ever going to read it, I turned it into a decoration!
This is the beginning of diaper covers! It is a small pink one, for sale if anyone is interested! haha. It is all ready to be put online, I just need to start my etsy account!
Dallin doesn't have many long sleeve shirts so I bought some fleece fabric and have been starting to make some long sleeve shirts for him and this is just the beginning!
This is a cute little elephant that I appliqued onto the shirt and I added a button eye so that Dallinw ould have something to play with! I think it looks pretty cute! I am learning lots but am still not quite sure how to make it so that the fleece doesn't bunch when I sew it. This one looks better than some other experiments I have done but is still skewed because of the applique.
And this is Dalins football fleece! I underestimated how big his belly is and so it is snug on his belly and short for his torso but it keeps him warm in our chilly home!
Well,that is all for now! Life is good for us and we hope that it continues to be good, especially with Chris getting a new job this week (hopefully). Well, I see Dallin is almost out so I need to get him up to bed!
tell chris congrats on the end of his job. i completely understand how not enjoying your job can really bring you down. best of luck to him for his interview!
I cannot believe Dallin is 6 months already!! It seems like you just had him! He sure is cute!
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