Thursday, September 22, 2011

We have more yard!

I am here to argue that it is possible for a place to be too green, that things can grow too well (mostly weeds) and that you can feel overwhelmed and closed in with too many trees and greenery. I didn't think that a place like that existed until I lived in Maryland and owned my own house. Now I realize how incredibly well things grow here, too well I might even say.

Can you see it all there in the background? Would you believe me when I say there is a fence in there somewhere? There is also a part that didn't have a fence that we didn't discover until we had cleared a huge portion of that back corner, which took Chris 5 hours to clear out, probably more if our back-up hadn't offered his help.

Our house was unoccupied for at least 3 years, probably closer to 5 years and unmaintained for the lats 8 years before we bought it. It lay neglected and the plants took over the yard. We have been fighting a losing battle with the greenery in our yard. But happy to say it, we enlisted (he offered) our neighbor, Don, to do some work in our yard. Chris was out there one day, feeling motivated, and decided to weed whack his way towards the fence. He feels like a bad neighbor when our weeds start to encroach on Don's lawn. So he was out there and Don happened to be out there. And Don said stop doing that! Let me come over. And he proceeded to work for 2 hours, clearing out with his little loader the entire portion of our yard that is next to his. It would have taken Chris 12 hours a day, for probably about a month straight to clear out and do what Don did in one day. Then a few days later Don came over with his skid loader and proceeded to level it all out so that it would be pretty and pack down the dirt so that we can put seed down.

This is a picture of the back corner where there was a shed, many years ago, and wood and rocks and trash was left there. And gravel. And the plants grew over everything and it took us hours to get the wood out from under it when we first moved in. Now it is a lovely flat place that we are thinking about having a bonfire soon.

This is another picture of the corner with the boys walking in the nice clean area. They like to walk back and forth in it. Dallin looks for trash and picks it up and puts it in the bag we leave down there for such a purpose. They are about 15-20 yards from the fence, a long ways away!

Dallin likes to mosey along and other times he loves to run as fast as he can or he will push Tristan on a little fire truck at full tilt. They both love having a huge flat place with nothing on it. And we gained about 15-20 extra feet in our yard since we did this! Flat space in our yard! We don't have much of that...

Anyway, Don, is amazing and I wish I knew what we could do for him to say thank you because it was just so much help for us. But he is too nice and won't even let us pay him for the gas he used up to clear out our yard. I do know though that he enjoys our boys and we walk over once or twice a week and talk to him and Don really seems to get a kick out of Dallin and how attached Dallin is to him. Maybe we can just lend him some grandkids? Anyway, it is awesome that that huge project is now done, and it only took 2 days to complete!

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