Tuesday, July 14, 2009

A Business Idea

I have recently been thinking of possibly trying to start up a online business. I am sure that lots of people are out there that want to do that and I am now one of them! Chris has told me to not fall into the trap of thinking that everyone in the world will see my website and I know they won't but I am not in it so much for the money as to help some people out from a difficult search.

So, my idea, is to sew fleece diaper covers. I would like to get input as to whether anyone thinks that they or someone they know would buy fleece diaper covers. I understand they aren't the nicest looking things...

As you can tell with this picture, the diaper cover is huge on Dallin but you have to keep in mind that he was only about 1 week or a little older at this point. His covers fit him much better now but because he is sleeping I don't want to take a picture of the cover on him.

In this picture you can see three of my covers. One of them is open and you can see the gussets and then the closed one and then one of all the snaps. My mom bought a snap press while she was here to help me make them (I was the excuse she has been looking for...) and she made me a couple of them.

I like the idea of lots of snaps on the middle part because they allow for growth. Dallin is still in the smallest size and he is two months old! He will be in these covers for a while yet. In my research I have found a few places that sell fleece diapers but they all have the snaps on the sides rather than the front and they only have one set of snaps rather than lots to allow for growth. I would be making covers like these that would have lots of snaps.

Okay, the reason I want to do this is because I had a very difficult time trying to find diaper covers for Dallin. I had decided earlier that I wanted to do cloth diapers because it was cheaper. I found a neat website that showed the price break down of disposable vs. cloth at Unfortunately if you look at the prices still, it is all VERY expensive. I understand that it is from birth to potty training but that is still a lot. The biggest thing is that they are using the popular brands and the cost of those brands. For me personally, I have not spent very much yet on diapers for Dallin but I am almost all set from now until potty training. The last thing I need is diaper covers for when he is much bigger. But he is still quite a ways from that. I will admit the $70 I spent on chinese prefolds would have been more had they not been half off due to a manufacturer "defect". They said there were ones that had missed seams but none of mine did. Anyway, I have only spent about $100 on cloth diapering for him so far.

Anyway, I like the fleece ones for many reasons and I will now go into them.
(1)They can be made much cheaper than buying them or other kinds of diaper covers.
(2)They allow for breathing and so when Dallin is sleeping, the diaper prefoldcan still dry because the moisture isn't held in by the cover. I will admit that his clothes feel damp when I pick him up in the mornings but it isn't as bad as the many leaks he has had with the disposable diapers.
(3)They dry super fast and so even if he had a really wet diaper I can put the same diaper cover back on him because it is dry!
(4) They can be reused and don't have to be washed after every diaper change and because they can be reused, you don't have to have more than 4 or 5. I rarely use 3 covers by the time I have to wash his prefolds anyway! But it is nice to have extra ones just in case!
(5) I have never had a single diaper leak, either pee or poo
(6) You can wash and dry them with the diapers or regular laundry
(7) They don't stain... ever!

So, I would really appreciate some input on whether you think you or someone you know would buy fleece diaper covers. As I said before, they aren't the prettiest thing and I don't think there is a way to make fleece look professional but they work really well and are cheaper. I am really glad I went with home made covers instead of buying lots of All-In-One diapers or pocket diapers because I think it has been cheaper and easier on me as well.

To finish, I just wanted to add some pictures of Dallin from the last week or two!

This is Dallin and Ferdy the Frog. Dallin loves to hit Ferdy and he also stares at Ferdys eyes for extended periods of time as though he is trying to figure out what Ferdy is because he isn't a mommy or a daddy so what else is there?

Dallin was staring at his dino and I walked away and when I came back Dallin had grabbed him and had Gregor the Dinosaur in a head lock. I thought it was very cute even though he didn't realize what he was doing!


Unknown said...

Sarah there is already a website that does this. i will have to try to remember what it is but it is for Wahm (work at home moms) , ebay is also where people sell the diaper covers. But you do not recover the cost of time and material for a cover. But if you are wanting to sell them go for it. Try first a local store, like a consignment store. You could also make changing mats and bibs, nursing covers. Fabric is expensive so be careful how much you put into it first. Make about 10 see if anything happens and go from there. Good luck

Sarah and Chris said...

I was thinking of making Hooter Hiders. That one Bethany gave me is a really good one to follow and it would be only like 3 or 4 dollars to make I bet. I am planning on having more than just diaper covers but for now, that is what I want to make and sell. Maybe someday work up to diaper friendly new born clothes and also little Sunday outfits. I dunno what all I will do but I figure I should start somewhere!