First item on the list is that Chris didn't finish his senior project so we will be staying in Colorado Springs for another 4 months or so. We aren't quite sure how long because Lance, the property manager said that if unit A gets rented out he will give us a 4 month lease but otherwise, we are stuck for 6 months. That wouldn't be a bad thing because no one wants to move right at Christmas time or probably hire someone so we might just wind up waiting until February to move anyway. We can save some more money and look into the housing market because no one wants to move or sell or buy a house around Christmas so maybe February would be a better time for that.
Second item is good news, Dallin sleeps through the night reliably now! It is amazing! I haven't gotten so much sleep since before he was born and not even then because I had to get up all the time to go to the bathroom! He goes to sleep after 9 and then wakes up sometime during 4-6 and eats and goes back to bed until at least 8! It is wonderful!
Third item, Chris and I started the Rice Diet a week and a half ago and it is working out pretty well. I have only cheated twice in that time. Once because Chris broke down and ate a BUNCH of chicken nuggets because he doesn't like going so long without meat and then last night since we had the missionaries and I felt bad inflicting our very nutritious diet upon them. I didn't cheat much though. Already I am at least 5 pounds lighter! It might help that I am breastfeeding too and thankfully the diet isn't interfering with my milk so Dallin is still getting plenty to eat. My goal is to lose about 60 pounds and then I will be back to where I was around the time that I met Chris and I can fit all those clothes I love that I no longer fit. And that is the whole reason behind this diet... Because I don't want to spend a fortune on a whole new wardrobe to fit me. Plus, no one likes to buy clothes that are bigger than they are used to. It does something to the self esteem...
Fourth, I have finally started to sew fleece diaper covers. I went and bought some awesome fleece in blues, green, pinks and purple. They are going to look awesome! I have been studying the ones my mom made and I have figured out how to sew them and maybe make them look a little more "professional". It took me so long to get started sewing because all my stuff is in Dallins room and so I had to rearrange everything. It is still messy and unorganized but it is organized enough that I can actually sit down at my table and reach my sewing machine. So, if anyone wants fleece diaper covers, let me know! haha.
Well, that is about all the news in our life. We don't get out much and we don't know many people but there have been two new couples move into our ward that are very friendly and live nearby so we are hoping to do something with them soon. Other than that, Chris goes to work, I stay at home with Dallin and we are a happy family!
And now, because we can't have a post without pictures, here are a few!
Happiest baby EVER!
Time with Daddy after work
Getting an extra snack
My toe and the nasty wart that I killed!
Chris getting Dallin ready for bed after a bath
do you bottle feed?? i know you do you pump. or do you do both?
Thanks for the cute pictures. I can't believe Dallin is so big! I could have done without the wart picture though!
he is getting so big! and he's smiling! :)
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