I took some pictures to show of his skinny little arms and body with his cute diaper cover! He has been getting so good at sucking on his hand and it was sometimes hard for me to get his hand out of his mouth long enough to take the picture!
I think his face is adorable.
Dallin and I went to our friend Joyces house and I wanted to get a picture of Dallin and Ben next to each other.
Chris says Dallin is doing his ventriloquism act with his chicken mitten!
This is my new hair cut! I don't really like it because it is too short for me but Chris says it looks fine.
This was his two month day and we had a doctors appointment and you can see his band-aids where he got his shots on his thighs.
This was on the 17th when we were putting him down for good for the night. Chris was trying to change Dallins diaper but Dallin was too tired for it so he rolled over, closed his legs and fell right back asleep!
This is from today. I love Dallins saddest sad face. It is so cute! I have been trying for weeks to get it in a picture and this is the best I have come up with. Doesn't he look like someone just ran over his pet? There is even a tear!
Just in case anyone was wondering, here are his stats from Month 1 to Month 2!
Month 1 Weight - 8 pounds 8 ounces (18 %)
Month 2 Weight - 9 pounds 12.5 ounces (12 %)
Month 1 Head Size - 37 cm (25 %)
Month 2 Head Size - 38 cm (12 %)
Month 1 Height - 21.5 inches (49 %)
Month 2 Height - 23.25 inches (64 %)
So that is my baby boy! Two months old... Its hard to remember a time without him already but Chris and I are so happy to have the little boy around!
Sarah he's so cute, especially that sad face. Let's hope nobody really runs over his pet! your hair looks great by the way!
I love your hair cut. It is not to short for you at all. It looks great with the shape of your face. I will try to take some pics of me today and post.
how do you get dallin to sleep through the night!? email me your secrets!!!!
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